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作者:曾老师 来源:中南科技 点击:


A question
B collection
C dictation
D nation
标准答案: A
question [ˈkwestʃən]    collection [kəˈlekʃn]    dictation [dɪkˈteɪʃn]    nation [ˈneɪʃn]
A eight
B bright
C night
D enough
标准答案: D
eight [eɪt]   bright [braɪt]   night [naɪt](前三个选项画线部分均不发音)  enough [ɪˈnʌf]
得分: 1.5分
A that
C black
标准答案: D
解析: that [ðæt]    apple [ˈæpl]    black [blæk]    afternoon [ˌɑːftəˈnuːn]
得分: 1.5分
A war
B farmer
C larger
D cart
标准答案: A
解析: war [wɔː(r)]    farmer [ˈfɑːmə(r)]    larger [ˈlɑːdʒə]    cart [kɑːt]
得分: 1.5分
A window
B show
C now
D yellow
标准答案: C
解析: window [ˈwɪndəʊ]    show [ʃəʊ]    now [n]    yellow [ˈjeləʊ]
得分: 1.5分
6(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)The storm in ________ early summer caused ________ heavy damage to the crops ready to be harvested.
A the; /
B an; the
C /; the
D an; a
标准答案: A
解析: 本题考查冠词的用法。句意:初夏的风暴对已准备收割的农作物造成巨大的伤害。第一个空格处应填the,属固定搭配,如:in the morning/afternoon。第二个空格处不加任何冠词,因为damage是不可数名词,不用添加冠词。故选A。
得分: 1.5分
7(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)—Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?
A I hope so
B Not at all
C That’s nothing
D Go ahead
标准答案: B
解析: 本题考查口语交际。句意:——你介意帮我提一下手提箱吗?——一点也不介意。I hope so意为“希望如此”;not at all意为“不用谢,没关系,一点也不”,可以用来回答表示感谢、道歉的话语,也可以用来回答“Would you mind...”;that’s nothing意为“没事儿,没关系”,可以用来回答表示道歉的话语;go ahead用在口语中通常表示“说吧,做吧,开始吧”等。故选B。
得分: 1.5分
8(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Dick only had some Coke at the party, because he always ________ asleep after drinking wine.
A falls
B becomes
C feels
D lies
标准答案: A
解析: 本题考查词语搭配。句意:迪克在宴会上只喝了一些可乐,因为他一喝完酒就会睡着。fall asleep意为“打瞌睡,入睡”,符合题意。
得分: 1.5分
9(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)On weekend, the park is full of people ________ themselves in the sunshine.
A to enjoy
B enjoying
C enjoy
D enjoyed
标准答案: B
解析: 本题考查非谓语动词。句意:星期天,公园里满是享受阳光的人。本题需填非谓语动词形式,enjoy用来描述人,应用主动形式,用动词的-ing形式表示状态。动词的不定式表示将来或目的,过去式表示被动。故选B。
得分: 1.5分
10(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)—Why are you so busy these days?
—We ________ trees. Why not join us?
A have planted
B will plant
C are planting
D planted
标准答案: C
解析: 本题考查时态。句意:——你们这些天怎么这么忙?——我们正忙着植树呢,为什么不加入我们的行列呢?植树这一动作为现阶段正在进行的动作,所以动词的形式应该用现在进行时。故选C。
得分: 1.5分
11(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)The door is open but nobody is in. Susan ________ have forgotten to lock the door.
A should
B must
C would
D could
标准答案: B
解析: 本题考查情态动词。句意:门开着,可是屋里没人。苏珊肯定是忘记锁门了。前一句话为后一句话的推断提供了有力的证据,因此后一句话是肯定性推断。should have done表示“本应该做却没有做”;could have done表示“本可以做却没有做”;would have done表示不肯定的推测,而must have done表示肯定推断,故选B。
得分: 1.5分
12(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)It was ________ lovely weather that the boys all went swimming.
A what
B that
C how
D such
标准答案: D
解析: 本题考查词语搭配。句意:天气真好,孩子们都去游泳了。根据题意可知,缺少的单词是用来强调好天气的副词。such...that...为固定搭配,表示“如此……以至于……”,用在此处符合题意。故选A。
得分: 1.5分
13(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)________ I like Carter personally, I don’t think what he’s doing is right.
A If
B As
C While
D Unless
标准答案: C
解析: 本题考查句法结构。句意:尽管我挺喜欢卡特这个人,但是我认为他正在做的事情是不正确的。根据题意可知,前后两句话是转折的关系,因此应该选择表示转折意义的连词。while意为“尽管”,符合题意;as也意为“尽管”,但要用倒装结构。故选C。
得分: 1.5分
14(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Frank was a wonderful teacher. Everyone agreed it would be hard to find ________ like him.
A other
B the other
C another
D others
标准答案: C
解析: 本题考查词义辨析。句意:弗兰克是个很好的老师,每个人都觉得很难再找到像他那样的老师了。other可作形容词或代词,作形容词时,意思是“别的,其他的”。the other指“两个人或物中的另一个”,一般出现在one...the other...这样的固定搭配中。others意为“别人,其他人”。another指“总数为三个以上中任意的另一个”,表示泛指。根据题意,这里指的是另一个人,是泛指,故选C。
得分: 1.5分
15(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Many great discoveries were made in ________ the 19th century.
A the second of half
B second of the half
C the half second of
D the second half of
标准答案: D
解析: 本题考查词语搭配。句意:许多伟大的发明都出现在19世纪后半期。second修饰half,应该放在half前,“……的一半”是the half of...,综合起来,顺序应为the second half of,故选D。
得分: 1.5分
16(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Joan sold the house anyway even though it was________ her father’s wishes.
A beyond
B within
C against
D from
标准答案: C
解析: 本题考查词义辨析。句意:尽管违背了父亲的意愿,约翰还是把房子卖了。beyond意为“超过,在……之外”;within意为“在……内”;against意为“背对,违背”;from意为“从……而来”。故选C。
得分: 1.5分
17(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)I walked slowly to the teacher’s office wondering ________ she decided to talk with me.
A which
B why
C where
D who
标准答案: B
解析: 本题考查词义辨析。句意:我在去老师办公室的路途中走得很慢,想着她为什么要跟我谈话。which意为“哪个”;why意为“为什么”;where意为“哪里”;who意为“谁”。故选B。
得分: 1.5分
18(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Make a list of what you have to do, and put them ________ with the most important at the top.
A in fact
B in public
C in order
D in surprise
标准答案: C
解析: 本题考查词组辨析。句意:有序地列出你所要做的事情,把最重要的事情放在前面。in fact意为“事实上”;in public意为“公开地”;in order意为“按照顺序地”;in surprise意为“惊讶地”。故选C。
得分: 1.5分
19(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Ralph and Celia ________ a lot of each other since they moved to the same city.
A have been seeing
B were seeing
C had seen
D saw
标准答案: A
解析: 本题考查句法结构。句意:拉尔夫和西莉亚自从搬到同一个城市后就经常见面。since是完成时态的标志,A项是现在完成进行时,表示某一动作从过去持续到现在并有可能持续下去;B项是过去进行时,表示过去(某一时刻或某一段时间)正在进行的动作;had seen是过去完成时,表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了动作,即表示过去的过去;saw是一般过去时。根据句意可知,他们搬到同一座城市带来的影响就是他们可以经常见面,并且这个动作从过去持续到现在并会持续下去,故选A。
得分: 1.5分
20(单选题)(词汇与语法知识)Eric has been fortunate to find a job he loves and, ________, he gets well paid for it.
A more or less
B what’s more
C as a result
D in any case
标准答案: B
解析: 本题考查并列句的逻辑关系。句意:埃里克很幸运地找到了他钟爱的工作,并且这份工作薪水高。本题考查并列句的前后逻辑联系,通过分析可知前半句“埃里克很幸运地找到了他钟爱的工作”与后半句“这份工作薪水高”之间形成了递进关系,故选B。
得分: 1.5分
21(阅读理解)(完形填空)A businessman owed a lot of money to others and could see no way out. He sat on the park bench, wondering if anything could save his company.
      21     an old man appeared before him. After listening to the problem, he wrote out a check and said, “Take this     22    . Meet me here exactly one year from today, and you can    23     me back at that time.” Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had    24    .
  The businessman saw in his hand a check for $500,000, signed by John D. Rockefeller, then one of the    25      men in the world! The money was more than    26   to save his business.    27    , he decided to put the check in his safe. Just    28     he had half a million dollars might give him the     29     to work out a way to save his business, he thought.
  Feeling    30   and working hard, he was making money once again. One year later, he returned to the     31     with the check, and the old man appeared. Just as the businessman was about to say thanks, a nurse came running up. “I’m so    32    I caught him!” She cried. “He’s always   33     from the rest home and telling people he’s John D. Rockefeller.” Then she led the old man away by the arm.
  Suddenly, the businessman realized that it wasn’t that money, real or imagined, that had turned his    34       around. It was his newfound self-confidence that gave him the power to    35    .
A Briefly
B Suddenly
C Frequently
D Fortunately
标准答案: B
解析: 词义辨析题。根据句意可以推断出,老人的出现是一件比较突然的事情。briefly意为“简洁地”;suddenly意为“突然地”;frequently意为“经常地”;fortunately意为“幸运地”。故选B。
得分: 2分
A message
B note
C paper
D money
标准答案: D
解析: 理解推断题。由上文可知,老人拿出的是一张代表金钱的支票。message意为“信息”;note意为“便条”;paper意为“纸,论文”;money意为“钱”。故选D。
得分: 2分
A turn
B pay
C offer
D call
标准答案: B
解析: 词义辨析题。根据句意可知,老人让商人一年后把钱还给他。turn back意为“向后转”;pay back意为“偿还”;offer意为“提供”;call back意为“给……回电话”。故选B。
得分: 2分
A said
B expected
C come
D written
标准答案: C
解析: 理解推断题。根据句意可知,说完老人就转身消失了,像来的时候一样快。said是say的过去式,意为“说”;expect意为“期望”;come意为“来”;write意为“写”。故选C。
得分: 2分
A craziest
B richest
C happiest
D friendliest
标准答案: B
解析: 理解推断题。根据常识可知,约翰·D.洛克菲勒是石油界大亨,是当时最富有的人之一。craziest意为“最疯狂的”;richest意为“最富有的”;happiest意为“最幸福的”;friendliest意为“最友好的”。故选B。
得分: 2分
A fair
B ready
C enough
D ever
标准答案: C
解析: 词语搭配题。fair意为“公平的”;ready意为“准备好的”;enough意为“足够的”;ever意为“永远”。more than enough为固定搭配,意为“绰绰有余,足够”,故选C。
得分: 2分
A Thus
B However
C Otherwise
D And
标准答案: B
解析: 语法结构题。thus意为“因此”;however意为“然而”,表转折;otherwise意为“否则”;and意为“和”。根据句意可知,商人虽然收了这张支票,却打算把支票放到保险柜中,前后是转折关系,故选B。
得分: 2分
A pretending
B dreaming
C knowing
D understanding
标准答案: C
解析: 词义辨析题。根据句意可知,知道自己拥有50万美元就已经能给商人力量找到挽救公司的办法。pretend意为“假装”;dream意为“梦想”;know意为“知道”;understand意为“理解”。故选C。
得分: 2分
A skill
B strength
C time
D wish
标准答案: B
解析: 词义辨析题。skill意为“技能”;strength意为“力量”;time意为“时间”;wish意为“愿望”。B项符合句意,故选B。
得分: 2分
A curious
B confused
C responsible
D confident
标准答案: D
解析: 理解推断题。curious意为“好奇的”;confused意为“困惑的”;responsible意为“负责任的”;confident意为“有信心的”。根据文章可以推断出,商人拿着50万美元的支票应该会比较自信,而不是好奇、困惑或者负责任,故选D。
得分: 2分
A safe
B office
C park
D bank
标准答案: C
解析: 理解推断题。根据文章第二段第三句可知,老人和商人约定一年后在同一个公园见面。safe意为“保险柜”;office意为“办公室”;park意为“公园”;bank意为“银行”。故选C。
得分: 2分
A glad
B sad
C surprised
D nervous
标准答案: A
解析: 理解推断题。从下文中可以看出,老人经常从疗养院逃跑,所以护士好不容易找到他,应该是感到高兴。glad意为“高兴的”;sad意为“悲伤的”;surprised意为“惊讶的”;nervous意为“紧张的”。故选A。
得分: 2分
A shouting
B stealing
C escaping
D learning
标准答案: C
解析: 词义辨析题。根据句意可知,老人经常从疗养院逃跑出来,然后告诉别人他是约翰·D.洛克菲勒。shout意为“喊叫”;steal意为“偷窃”;escape意为“逃跑”;learn意为“学习”。escape from...为固定搭配,意为“从……逃出来”,故选C。
得分: 2分
A life
B role
C chance
D idea
标准答案: A
解析: 理解推断题。根据全文大意可以知道,老人的“支票”给商人的人生转折带来了很大的影响。life意为“人生”;role意为“角色”;chance意为“机会”;idea意为“想法,主意”。故选A。
得分: 2分
A admit
B succeed
C change
D believe
标准答案: B
解析: 词义辨析题。通读全文可知,商人最后成功了。admit意为“承认”;succeed意为“成功”;change意为“改变”;believe意为“相信”。故选B。
得分: 2分
A pure virus (病毒) could be kept in a bottle, just like hundreds of other chemicals. Yet, when a virus is placed on a living thing, it comes to life. As long as it is on a living material, it grows. A difficult question still remains—what is a virus? Is it living or chemical? Men of science had always thought life and not-life to be as different as black and white. With the discovery of the virus, they became aware of a grey area that was neither black nor white.
Until the 1930’s, it was accepted that there was also a great difference in size between the largest chemical molecules (分子) and the smallest living things. As new and much finer filters (过滤器) were invented, men were able to measure viruses. The first virus to be measured was found to be about 100 millimicrons (毫微米) across.
The largest known chemical molecule measures only 22 millimicrons. The smallest living thing measures almost seven times that size or 150 millimicrons. When viruses were measured, they were found to range in size from 16 millimicrons to 300 millimicrons. Most were found to be larger than the largest chemical molecules and smaller than the smallest living things.
The answer to the puzzle—what is a virus?—must be that it is both living and not living. In a living cell, it is a live thing. In a bottle, it is nothing more than a chemical. We now realize that the virus is actually a link between life and not-life.(本题12分)
1(单选题)What is this text mainly about?
A How viruses should be understood.
B The effect viruses have on living things.
C How filters are used in studying viruses.
D The researches scientists do with viruses.
标准答案: A
解析: 主旨大意题。第一段是引子,引出了第二段所提的问题“病毒是什么”,然后一直到最后都是对于这个问题的解释和回答,最后一段又重申并回答了这个问题。因此这篇文章主要是说“病毒是什么”,即我们应该如何去理解病毒的概念。故选A。
得分: 3分
2(单选题)What makes a virus come to life?
A A large chemical molecule.
B A dead chemical.
C An active virus.
D A living cell.
标准答案: D
解析: 事实细节题。由文章第一段第二句及最后一段第二句可知,当病毒寄存在一个生命体或活细胞上,病毒就是有生命的,故选D。
得分: 3分
3(单选题)What do the underlined words “a grey area” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A The discovery of unknown chemicals.
B Viruses in a state of living and not living.
C A difficult question unsolved about viruses.
D The colour of viruses between black and white.
标准答案: B
解析: 推理判断题。由文章第二段可知,科学家们总是把有生命和无生命的物体视作是截然相反的两者。随着病毒的发现,他们开始意识到这两者之间还有一个灰色区域,这个区域并不属于任何一方。由此可推断出,这里的“a grey area”指的是处于生命体与非生命体的中间地带的病毒。故选B。
得分: 3分
4(单选题)Which of the following is the smallest in size?
A Viruses.
B New filters.
C Living cells.
D Chemical molecules.
标准答案: D
解析: 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句可知,通过比较三者,应该是chemical molecules(化学分子)最小,即living things(生命体)>viruses(病毒)>chemical molecules(化学分子)。而新型过滤器是人们使用的用于测量物体大小的器械,肯定大于其他三者,故选D。
得分: 3分
McEvan’s Supermarket to Mark its Twentieth Anniversary (纪念日)
on October 24!
We would like you to join us on October 24. On this special day, we will be giving you even more ways to save. And there will be live music, some free food, and games for children throughout the day. There are more reasons than ever to come to McEvan’s on October 24.
  We will offer:
  ·Great discounts on hundreds of things from nearly every department, including the bakery, the dairy (奶制品) farm, fruit corner, the vegetable garden and electronics center.
  ·Discount vouchers (代金券) for $10.00, $15.00, or $20.00 to the first 100 customers.
  ·McEvan’s Supermarket games for children whose parents are shopping that include free T-shirts and other giveaways.
  To learn more about the special events planned for October 24, go to our website at www.mcevansupermarket.com or ask any one of our 200 employees for more information.
Please tear the voucher out.

Happy 20th!
McEvan’s Supermarket
October 24 only
$20.00 discount
Please present to cashier at time of shopping
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Mailing Address(including apt. number) ________
City________ State________ Zip Code________
Would Like to Receive Mail from McEvan’s? ________ yes ________ no
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We promise to keep information to ourselves. It will not be sent to any third party. In the event that your own information changes, please call us at (520)555-0318 or email us at info@mcevansupermarket.com.
1(单选题)What is the text about?
A A supermarket sale.
B A thank-you party.
C A food exhibition.
D A new product.
标准答案: A
解析: 推理判断题。由全文可以看出,本文是关于一个超市的促销,故选A。
得分: 3分
2(单选题)How can a customer receive a voucher?
A He is the winner of the game on October 24.
B He has been shopping at McEvan’s for 20 years.
C He has been an employee of the shop for 20 year.
D He is one of the first 100 customers on October 24.
标准答案: D
解析: 事实细节题。由文章中“discount vouchers for $10.00, $15.00, or $20.00 to the first 100 customers”可以得出答案:前100名到达超市的顾客可以获得代金券,故选D。
得分: 3分
3(单选题)What is mentioned in the voucher?
A The discount is available for one day.
B Customer information is unnecessary.
C No returns are allowed with the voucher.
D The voucher is acceptable in several departments.
标准答案: A
解析: 事实细节题。由文章中代金券具体说明部分可以得出答案:打折仅限一天。其他三个选项均和原文不符,故选A。
得分: 3分

Your dog is as smart as any two year old, according to a new study. Dogs bring much happiness to their owners, and even improve human health. Most two year old keep us busy in life—an important part of living a long and happy life. According to Stanley Coren, Ph.D. of the University of British Columbia, our dogs are smarter than we thought.
  Dr. Coren reviewed many studies to find out that dogs are as smart as 2 to 2.5 year olds. Forget about one word orders—according to Coren, the smartest dogs can learn up to 250 words. Most dogs understand an average of 165 words. “The upper limit of dogs’ ability to learn language is partly based on a study of a Border Collie (博德牧羊犬) named Rico who showed knowledge of 200 spoken words, and ‘fast-track learning’ which scientists believed to be found only in humans and language learning apes (猿).”
  Dogs are also great at tricking. During play, they have the ability to trick humans and other dogs in order to get treats. “And they are nearly as successful in tricking humans as humans are in tricking dogs,” says Coren.
  Dogs can also count to four or five, which might explain how they know when their toys are missing. Coren explains, “Their astonishing flashes of smartness and creativity (创造力) are reminders that they may not be Einsteins, but are sure closer to humans than we thought.”
Animals can do much to keep us happy, healthy, and protect us from harm. Stories of dog heroes can be found using a simple Internet search. Pets teach us sense of duty, keep us from loneliness, and can help with treatment of the disabled. Dogs are smarter than we thought—as smart as a two year old.(本题12分)
1(单选题)How do dogs bring happiness and health to humans according to the author?
A By doing funny tricks.
B By keeping humans busy.
C By serving their owners.
D By playing with their owners.
标准答案: B
解析: 事实细节题。文章第一段第二、三句提到,狗可以给他的主人带来快乐,甚至可以改善人类的健康状况。大部分两岁的孩子常常让我们生活忙碌,但是这也是让我们长寿和快乐重要的一部分。故选B。
得分: 3分
2(单选题)What makes Rico special?
A He seldom uses one word orders.
B He uses words like a 2.5 year old.
C He is Coren’s favorite subject for study.
D He shows a high level of language ability.
标准答案: D
解析: 事实细节题。文章第二段最后一句提到,瑞克知道200个单词,而且还拥有快速学习能力。故选D。
得分: 3分
3(单选题)What does Dr. Coren say about a dog’s counting ability?
A It is as good as an ape’s.
B It is close to human’s.
C It leaves a lot to be studied.
D It helps them keep their toys.
标准答案: D
解析: 事实细节题。文章第四段第一句提到,狗也可以数到4或5,这也就解释了它们是怎样知道玩具什么时候不见了。所以狗的数数能力可以帮助它们存放自己的玩具。故选D。
得分: 3分
4(单选题)For someone interested in knowing more stories about dogs, the author suggests that he ________.
A train a dog
B search the Internet
C watch a two year old
D visit a hospital for the disabled
标准答案: B
解析: 事实细节题。文章最后一段第二句提到,只要在网上简单地搜索一下,就可以找到很多关于狗的英雄故事。故选B。
得分: 3分

  Understanding how nature reacts to climate (气候) change will require checking key life cycle events—flowering, the appearance of leaves, the first frog calls of the spring—all around the world. But ecologists (生态学家) can’t be everywhere, so they’re turning to non-scientists, sometimes called citizen scientists, for help.
  A group of scientists and educators set up an organization last year called the National Phenology Network. “Phenology” is what scientists call the study of the timing of events in nature.
  One of the group’s first efforts is to ask scientists and non-scientists to collect information about plant flowering and leafing every year. The program, called Project BudBurst, collects life cycle information on a variety of common plants from across the United States. People taking part in the project record their information on the Project BudBurst website.
  “People don’t have to be scientists—they just have to look around and see what’s in their neighbourhood,” says Jennifer Schwartz, a scientist with the project. “As we collect this information, we’ll be able to know about the changes of plants and animals as the climate changes.”
  Not only that, the information also helps scientists learn about how these changes will have an effect on people. Scientists examining lilac (丁香花) flowering in western United States reported that in years when lilacs flowered early—before May 20th—wildfires later in the summer and fall were likely to be larger and more serious. Lilac flowering, then, could serve as an alarm bell.
“The best way for us to increase our knowledge of how plants and animals are reacting to climate change is to increase the count of information we have,” Schwartz says. “That’s why we need citizen scientists to get as much information from as many places on as many plants and animals over as long a time period as we can.”(本题12分)
1(单选题)Project Budburst aims to ________.
A study animal behavior all year round
B invite citizen scientists to do scientific research
C collect information on the life cycles of common plants
D help ecologists learn about wildfires in western United States
标准答案: C
解析: 主旨大意题。根据第三段第二句可知,“花蕾绽放”计划的目标是收集普通植物的生命周期信息。故选C。
得分: 3分
2(单选题)The author uses lilac flowering as an example to show ________.
A flowers could help prevent wildfires
B plant flowering can be related to wildfires
C some flowers are closer to our life than others
D lilacs are the best plants to show climate change
标准答案: B
解析: 事实细节题。根据第五段第二句可知,当丁香花开花早时,即在5月20号以前开花,在夏天和秋天森林火灾就很可能会更大、更严重。所以丁香花的开花时间和森林火灾有关系。故选B。
得分: 3分
3(单选题)Why are citizen scientists invited to take part in Project BudBurst?
A To give a hand in research.
B To teach science to the public.
C To help create a website of popular science.
D To call people’s attention to climate change.
标准答案: A
解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段末句可知,之所以邀请平民科学家参加“花蕾绽放”计划,是因为此举能让他们长时间地提供关于各地各种动植物的多样信息,由此可推知,这些平民科学家受邀参与活动是因为他们能够对科学研究提供帮助。故选A。
得分: 3分
4(单选题)According to Schwartz, what can help people know more about climate change?
A Taking a course on phenology.
B Knowledge of life cycle events of plants and animals.
C Efforts of ecologists to learn more about plant flowering.
D Full support of citizen scientists to study climate changes.
标准答案: B
解析: 事实细节题。根据最后一段第一句可知,帮助人们了解气候变化最好的办法是增加我们所拥有的关于动植物对气候变化反应的信息。故选B。
得分: 3分
(L=Laura; A=Ann; S=shop assistant)
L: My mother’s birthday is coming. What could I do for her?
A:                             51                                    ?
L: A birthday party? No, she likes to be quiet. She doesn’t like to be noisy.
A: Oh… Look at this nice black skirt. Maybe                    52                      .
L: Yes, I also think she will like it. Because black is her favorite color. Let’s have a look.
(To the shop assistant)
L: Excuse me,                     53                        ?
S: Eighty-five yuan. We’ve got none but this one at the moment. It’s the smallest size.
L: Oh. The price and the color are both all right for my mother. But it’s too small for her!               54                . Anyway, thank you.
S:                         55                     .(本题15分)
标准答案: Why not hold a birthday party for her
得分: 3分
标准答案: she will like it
得分: 3分
标准答案: how much is this/the black skirt
得分: 3分
标准答案: What a pity
得分: 3分
标准答案: You are welcome
得分: 3分
27(问答题)(书面表达)假如你是张强,伦敦银行(Bank of London)的Williams先生即将结束为期一周的访问,请你帮助他安排回程,并据此写张便条留在他房间。
Dear Williams,
  What about your visit in China? Does everything go smoothly? I feel privileged to arrange your schedule and the following information is what I want to tell you.
  I will pick you up to the airport tomorrow, please pack all your luggage and wait for me at the front desk of the hotel before eight o’clock tomorrow. I will present you with a gift as a souvenir, please be happy to accept it. If you have anything urgent to tell me, do not hesitate to call me.
  Enjoy your time in China and best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Zhang Qiang


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